Friday, December 3, 2010

What is Wikileaks

Wikileaks is a non-profit media group which has disclosed millions of confidential documents on its website. This institution came into being in 2007. Its website is controlled by Sunshine Press. In a very short time, its database of leaked documents has grown over 1.2 million. Sunshine Press has published recently a huge number of confidential documents they got from unknown sources. These documents are related to almost all major countries and contain serious and touchy matters.

Wikileaks Introduction
Julian Assange is the main character of recent publishing of confidential documents on the website of wikileaks. He is an internet worker also a programmer and a hacker. Despite threats and warnings to him, he has published all the controversial and confidential documents belonging to almost countries of the world including USA, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, India, Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq etc.

Wikileaks is being pressurized to stop disclosing such secret documents. Disclosure of such secrets publicly can endanger the relationships between many countries.

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